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WASH Benefits
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Description: This is the central repository of OSF pages for the WASH Benefits trials
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WASH Benefits Bangladesh Primary Analysis
This is an archive of the primary analysis materials for the WASH Benefits Bangladesh trial (NCT01590095).
WASH Benefits Kenya Primary Analysis
This is an archive of the primary analysis materials for the WASH Benefits Kenya trial (NCT01704105).
WASH Benefits Anemia Substudy
This is the archive of the primary analysis materials for the Anemia substudy of the WASH Benefits trial (NCT01590095)
WASH Benefits Bangladesh Analysis of Environmental Outcomes
This is an archive of the analysis materials for the environmental outcomes of the WASH Benefits Bangladesh trial (NCT01590095).
WASH Benefits Bangladesh Analysis of Soil Transmitted Helminth (STH) Outcomes
This is an archive of the analysis materials for the STH outcomes of the WASH Benefits Bangladesh trial (NCT01590095).
WASH Benefits Kenya Respiratory Substudy
This is an archive of the analysis materials for the Respiratory substudy of the WASH Benefits Kenya trial (NCT01704105).
WASH Benefits Kenya Randomized Controlled Trial - Implementation Paper & Documents
This will serve as the repository for WASH Benefits Kenya study's Implementation paper files. These include: datasets, analysis scripts, and behavior ...
WASH Benefits observational analysis of improved sanitation
Analysis of the effect of improved sanitation on length-for-age Z scores (LAZ) at the final endpoint of the WASH Benefits Bangladesh and Kenya trials
WASH Benefits Kenya Parasites
Data analysis plan (pdf), source data (zip), and analysis code (R-script) for replicating results presented in the manuscript: "Integrating water, san...
Geographic pair matching in large-scale cluster randomized trials
Geographic pair matching in large-scale cluster randomized trials: source data and code
WASH interventions and child diarrhea at the interface of climate and socioeconomic position in Bangladesh
WASH interventions and child diarrhea at the interface of climate and socioeconomic position in Bangladesh: source data and code
WASH Benefits Analysis of Antibiotic Use Outcomes
Effects of individual and combined water, sanitation, handwashing and nutrition interventions on antibiotic use by young children in rural Bangladesh ...
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