## Contents
`src/` contains the front-end code for the Svelte App.
`public/guide.pdf` contains the interview guide we used for our study.
`public/qualitative-codebook.xlsx` contains the codebook from our qualitative analysis of interview transcripts and recordings.
`public/data` contains the simulated data shown on the final page of the application. Specifically:
- `allocation_data_generator.py` script used to generate simulated allocations
- `allocation_simulation.csv` simulated allocations
- `demo_table_data.json` simulated voter demographics formatted to show in the heatmap
- `format_demo_table_data.py` script for formatted simulated voter demographics
- `participation_data_generator.R` script used to generate simulated voter demographics
- `participation_simulation/` tables of simulated voter demographics
- `source/` tables of source data for voter demographics
- `table_data_updated.json` legacy file
- `ward_boundaries.geojson` coordinates for Chicago Ward boundaries circa 2022
`public/log-results` contains results from our interaction log data. Specifically:
- `data.json` raw interaction log data as nested JSON
- `process.py` script used to process nested JSON into a CSV table suitable for analysis and visualization
- `processed_data.csv` output of `process.py` and input to `results.Rmd`
- `results.pdf` knit file from `results.Rmd` providing a supplemental analysis and interpretation of interaction log data
- `results.Rmd` code and copy for supplemental analysis of log data