## Manuscript ##
**Final manuscript**
This is a pre-copy-editing, accepted version of the manuscript and commentary.
- [Manuscript][1]
- [Commentary from Fritz Strack][2]
**Pre-registered, pre-data manuscript**
The following manuscript was written and edited before viewing actual data or results from the participating laboratories. It includes analyses based on simulated data to illustrate how the actual data will be analyzed. This pre-data manuscript was reviewed by the original reviewer of the protocol (Ursula Hess). The analyses included in the manuscript are based on those in the pre-registered analysis plan and R scripts posted in the Data and Results component. This version of the manuscript will be pre-registered along with the rest of the project page on July 8, 2016. This pre-registration makes clear that the manuscript, analysis plan, and analysis scripts were written while blind to the actual outcome of the studies. After the site is pre-registered, the editor will provide the raw data files from all partciipating labs to the lead lab, and the lead lab will run the pre-registered analyses and insert the results into the pre-registered manuscript. That updated manuscript will be posted here.
-[ \[pre-registered manuscript written while blind to the data\]][3]
[1]: https://osf.io/6jtny/
[2]: https://osf.io/yhvaf/
[3]: https://osf.io/sbr4d/