Data and stimuli for the manuscript "*Mnemonic prediction errors promote detailed memories*"
Bein, Plotkin & Davachi
Currently under revision
The data folder includes all participants, also those we eventually excluded. Code for the analysis, which includes which participants were included in the final analysis, will be available soon.
The stimuli folder has a few sub-folders:
-big/small are the big and small objects used for the predictive pairs.
-paired: these are the objects we used for the violation and no-violation items, that had two exemplars of each object. They are also divided into two folders (big/small), for big and small items.
-practice: the images we used for the practice.
The instructions we used for the study.
simPEL9 - the instructions used for Exp1
simPEL11_associative - the instructions used for Exp2 (identical to Exp1).
simPEL11_item - the instructions used for Exp3.