# Variability of visual field maps in human early extrastriate cortex
This repository contains all source code necessary to replicate our recent work entitled "Variability of visual field maps in human early extrastriate cortex challenges the canonical model of organization of V2 and V3" available on [bioRxiv](https://www.biorxiv.org/content/10.1101/2022.10.16.511648.abstract).
Here is our [GitHub repo](https://github.com/felenitaribeiro/VariabilityEarlyVisualCortex) in which we provide more information about running the analyses reported in our manuscript. In the 'OSF Storage,' you will find some plots used for the manuscript figures in addition to spreadsheets with individual variability scores used for the linear mixed effect (LME) models. We also provide the .omv files with LME fits using Jamovi.