![R Cafe Hex Sticker][1]
**r cafe** is an initiative of [EROS][2], our working group for open research in the Department of Education at York.
## The basics
**R Cafe**
When and where? Thursdays 1:00-2:00pm, online. Contact cylcia.bolibaugh@york.ac.uk for the link.
**What is it?**
We are a peer support group in the Department of Education for all those interested in learning and using r. We hold weekly drop-ins to troubleshoot, learn and share resources.
**Who is it for?**
_Everyone_ is welcome, from complete beginner to code ninja, Stage 1 undergraduate to full prof :).
**I want to get involved (but can’t make it to the meeting).**
Join our Google Group to get updates, share resources and ask questions. Email Cylcia for the link.
## The format
**Like a writing support group, but for r**
- *Writing group* - drop in and code, ask for help to troubleshoot
**...and with some extras**
- *Show and tell* - code review style, come and present your code for 15 minutes + Q/A
- *Pre-determined discussion topic* - we pick a topic (e.g. keeping your directories straight, updating R, collaborating with non R users :), and share our experiences.
- **Special events (termly)** - e.g., how reproducible is your code? Buddy code swap/review, training sessions on special topic
#### We need r users of *all levels* to make it work - there is no code shaming here!
[1]: https://files.osf.io/v1/resources/tb5d8/providers/osfstorage/62d0a3a7c79a4c1d519e5d3f?mode=render
[2]: https://osf.io/qwurf/