**Original citation.** Demany, L., Trost, W., Serman, M., & Semal, C. (2008). Auditory change detection: simple sounds are not memorized better than complex sounds. *Psychological Science, 19*(1), 85-91.
**Target of replication.** The original authors demonstrate that listeners were indeed perceiving the individual tones in each chord; we seek to replicate the finding that ISI will have a significant effect on performance, F(3,9)=8.5, p = .005.
**A priori replication criteria.** The key effect of interest is the effect of ISI on d’, such that increased ISI was related to reduced d’. We plan to run a repeated-measures ANOVA examining the impact of N, ISI, and the interaction of N and ISI on d’. A successful replication of the reported results would be a result of a significant main effect of ISI, a non-significant main effect of N, and a significant interaction of N and ISI.