This component contains the pre-registration protocol for the study. If the .Rmd file is placed in the same folder as the two .csv files, then all the code should run (providing you have installed all of the packages). There are four elements to the component:
- The protocol as a PDF. This is the knitted .Rmd file to make it easy to read.
- The .Rmd file. This contains all of the code used for the simulations and simulated data set. This can be knitted to create the PDF version of the protocol.
- AB_meta-analysis.csv: this contains the summary statistics from our previously unpublished research on attentional bias. This is required for the mini meta-analysis.
- ANOVA_power.csv: the simulation for the power analysis takes around 15 minutes to run. Unless you want to play around with it yourself, this contains the output for the code to run quickly.