![enter image description here][1]
[1]: https://files.osf.io/v1/resources/szuv8/providers/osfstorage/5ed5c039c7568604142d8745?mode=render
Example drawings from different children in the fort (**A**-**B**) and toy (**C**-**D**) conditions. Drawings **A** and **C** are of the 3-wall/3-object configurations with no decals, and drawings B and **D** are of the 3-wall/3-object configurations with decals. Children in the fort condition tended to draw bigger elements, and the objects sometimes overlapped the walls. Children in the toy condition, in contrast, tended to draw smaller elements, and the objects rarely overlapped the walls. Children in both conditions used the elements’ horizontal (e.g., **C**) and vertical (e.g., **B**) positions as cues to pictorial depth, although children in the fort condition used both of these positional relations significantly more.