# Overview and organization of this page
This page contains data associated with the publication:
Adam, K.C.S. & Vogel, E.K. (2017) Confident failures: Lapses of working memory reveal a metacognitive blind spot. *Attention, Perception & Psychophyics*
## Task Code
This component contains the Matlab code used to present the stimuli to participants. To use this code, you need to have Matlab installed and to download and install the Psychophysics toolbox (<http://psychtoolbox.org/>).
To run an experiment, make sure that you place the whole folder in the path. Navigate to the folder so it is the current directory, and hit "play" on the main experiment script.
These experiments were run on Dell PC's running Windows XP. Some tinkering may need to be done with the code to make it forward-compatible.
## Data: Experiments 1, 2, and 3
These components contain the Matlab files that were collected for individual subjects.
Data for each individual is stored in a matlab structure with different fields for each variable. For example, set size is accessed by typing `data.ss`.
For more information on the meaning of each variable, see the separate read-me file for each experiment.
## Analyis Code
This component contains some aggregate data for each experiment as well as the code used to compile the aggregate data and plot the main figures for each experiment. For more in-depth labeling of each file, see the separate Read Me file in the analysis code component.