<h2> OSF In Action: Case Studies </h2>
**[Lorne Campbell][1]**'s lab, University of Western Ontario, uses the OSF to coordinate and manage lab activities and research projects.
<b>[Erica Baranski][2]</b>, Psychology PhD student, uses the OSF with her lab group at the University of California, Riverside.<br><br>
<b>[Richard Ball and Norm Medieros][3]</b> use the OSF as part of Project TIER, Teaching Integrity in Empirical Research. In an introductory statistics course, undergraduates are taught how to comprehensively document all the data management and analysis steps that are a part of empirical research. Richard is an associate professor of economics and Norm is the associate librarian, both at Haverford College. <br><br>
<b>[Rodrigo Garcia][4]</b> is a bioinformatics engineer at Instituto Nacional de Medicina Genomica in Mexico City, and uses the OSF with his lab group.<br><br>
<b>[Anne Allison][5]</b> is Associate Professor of Biology at Piedmont Virginia Community College, and uses the OSF with her students conducting authentic research projects in a lab setting.<br><br>
<b>[The Harvard Dataverse][6]</b> is integrated with the OSF via an add-on. Eleni Castro, Dataverse Research Coordinator, talks about the project in this case study.
<b>[Anna vant Veer][7]</b> is a PhD student in Psychology at Tilburg University.
[1]: https://osf.io/v7tbh/
[2]: https://osf.io/8dvhe/
[3]: https://osf.io/k5bcg/
[4]: https://osf.io/9j2fy/
[5]: https://osf.io/8afqs/
[6]: https://osf.io/w75g2/
[7]: https://osf.io/wbpae/