# **Protocols**
#### **This section is for storing files related to important protocols you will use to ensure and communicate the use of quality practices during your experiment.**
This may include items such as submissions to regulatory boards for human and animal safety or checklists to make sure everyone is taking the necessary precautions prior to implementing your experiment process.
If you are working in a lab the necessary protocols may already be part of your lab’s administrative documents. Additionally, if the lab is already using OSF you may simply link the lab’s protocol section directly into your project.
For a guide on how to link a project follow the procedure outlined in the [OSF Guides][1].
**You must comply with ECU, University of North Carolina, and federal requirements related to privacy and data security. This include, but is not limited to, never sharing, posting, or uploading FERPA, HIPPA, or other personal indentifying information. For more information, please see ECU's policies [here](https://www.ecu.edu/prr).**
If you have any questions or concerns regarding copyrights please send your questions to <Copyright@ecu.edu>.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about OSF or the use of this template please contact us at <ScholarlyComm@ecu.edu>.
OSF provides tutorials, FAQs, and support information on [OSF Guides](http://help.osf.io).
[1]: http://help.osf.io/m/links_forks/l/524112-link-to-a-project