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The folder `data` includes two csv files with the data used for the analysis in the paper (and some supplementary columns). ---------- The folder `figures` includes all figures included in the paper, numbered as they occur in the paper. ---------- The folder `scripts` includes scripts for processing and analysis of the data, including two scripts for acoustics and four scripts for articulation. - `aco_01` extracts information from the audio recordings. - `aco_02` is the code for the statistical analysis (including plots) of the three acoustic parameters. This can be run based on the provided file acoustic_results.csv. - `art_01` is the algorithm used to automatically detect articulatory landmarks in the trajectories. - Before using `art_02`, all automatically detected landmarks are manually checked (using output plots) and corrected if necessary (using output TextGrids). Then, `art_02` is used to detect the manually corrected landmarks and create the final data table. - `art_03` is the code for the statistical analysis (including plots) of the lips. This can be run based on the provided file articulatory_results.csv. - `art_04` is the code for the statistical analysis (including plots) of the tongue. This can be run based on the provided file articulatory_results.csv. ---------- The folder `stats_models` includes subfolders for the acoustics, lips and the tongue. They contain all statistical models as defined in the scripts `aco_02`, `art_03` and `art_04`. The models are provided here because they may take some time to compute. ---------- The folder `stats_results` includes tables with the results of the statistical analyses (i.e. conditional means, effect coefficients, posterior probabilities).
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