**Original Citation:** Bassok, M., Pedigo, S.F., & Oskarsson, A.T (2008). Priming Addition Facts with Semantic Relations. *Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 34,* 343-352.
**Replication target:** Bassok et al., hypothesize that categorical semantic relation is aligned with addition, and the functional semantic relation is aligned with division. They predicted "that the sum effect would be more pronounced in the semantically aligned than in the semantically misaligned priming condition. That is, we predicted that the difference between response latencies to sum and neutral targets (e.g., between 8 and 9, respectively, for cue digits 5 + 3) would be larger when the cue digits are primed with categorical primes (tulips–daisies) than when they are primed with unrelated primes (hens–radios) or with functionally related primes (birds– cages).” This replication was intended to include replications of experiment 1 and 2 of the original paper, but due to time constraints only includes experiment 1.
**A priori replication criteria:** Mean latencies of correct responses and mean error rates will be analyzed using within-subject repeated measures analyses of variance (ANOVAs).
Materials are available for download in the Materials component of this project.