#### **Subgroup 2: CURE-FAIR Practices**
**[Join Subgroup][1]**
The aim of Subgroup 2: CURE-FAIR Practices is to explore curation for reproducibility practices as they are implemented in various disciplinary domains and by different stakeholder groups.
To achieve this aim, this subgroup is charged with the following tasks:
- Identify individuals and groups from various disciplinary domains who are actively engaged in data and code curation for the purposes of supporting research reproducibility; and
- Compare data and code curation practices across disciplinary contexts
The subgroup will produce a report that provides an overview of existing data and code curation for reproducibility practices, with detailed case studies that represent implementation of these practices by different stakeholder groups in different disciplinary contexts.
**Subgroup 2 Lead:** Thu-Mai Christian
**Subgroup 2 meets via Zoom every 2 weeks (to be scheduled). Notes, resources, and other Subgroup 2 materials can be accessed via [OSF][2] or [Google Drive][3].**
[1]: https://bit.ly/35lHj34
[2]: https://osf.io/spvk4/
[3]: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Bf9hQFFfaW2i2yGcny4vAYALuB-HtWkL?usp=sharing