### Procedure Statement
* See details in the latest [site manual](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XFj9qQT500lAEe3fjGNab6TTU_lgUWTiWWSh8oF3jGE/edit?usp=sharing)
1. Always run the verification task [`OrientationCrossLanguages_2018PSA_SP_1.2.4.osexp`](https://osf.io/4yar2/) before the matching task [`OrientationCrossLanguages_2018PSA_PP_1.2.4.osexp`](https:l//osf.io/mdq2z/).
2. Upload the collected data to lab public OSF.
### Materials Description
- `osexp` files: OpenSesame scripts for participant laboratories.
- STI_LIST.xls: Storage of picture filenames and probe sentences; Translation templates; Generate stimuli sheets for OpenSesame scripts.
### External Links
- google driver: documents for preparations; data sheets.
- [object familiarity rating](https://objectsurvey.formr.org/) for non-English participants.