[**Task 7.1:** Digitisation as a Service model][1]
(Lead: BGM. Participants: NHM, HCMR, Naturalis, TDWG)
[**Task 7.2:** Developing processes and pipelines for high resolution imaging services, including 3D models of NH specimens: Digitisation on Demand (DoD)][2]
(Co-leads: RBINS + HCMR. Participants: NHM, NHMW, RMCA, CSIC, NMHN, RGBK)
[**Task 7.3:** Developing the protocol infrastructure for DNA Sequencing on Demand (DNAoD)][3]
(Lead: RBGE. Participants: NHM, RBINS, RMCA, BGM, BGBM, MfN, HCMR)
[1]: https://osf.io/5rqa9/wiki/home/
[2]: https://osf.io/aqjfu/wiki/home/
[3]: https://osf.io/gmbdu/wiki/home/