# Investigating the universality of consonant and vowel co-occurrence restrictions
### Requirements
For data pre-processing:
- Python 3.10.14
- numpy 1.26.4
- pylint 3.1.0
- nose2 0.14.1
For running models and model summaries:
- CmdStan 2.33.1
- R 4.3.1
- brms 2.16.3
- cmdstanr 0.6.1
- bayestestR 0.13.1
- tidyverse 2.0.0
For generating figures:
- R 4.3.1
- brms 2.16.3
- cmdstanr 0.6.1
- bayestestR 0.13.1
- tidyverse 2.0.0
- tidybayes 3.0.6
- cowplot 1.1.3
- latex2exp 0.9.6
- ggridges 0.5.6
- mgcv 1.9-1
- ggthemes 5.1.0
- hrbrthemes 0.8.7
- stringr 1.5.1
- MASS 7.3-60.0.1
- terra 1.7-71
- patchwork 1.2.0
- ggpp 0.5.7
- ggrepel 0.9.5
- showtext 0.9-7
- metR 0.15.0
#### To download the data
make download_panphon
make download_northeuralex
#### To generate the count and similarity data
make run
#### To run the models
make run_nc_model
make run_feat_model
#### To generate plots
make figures
#### To get model summaries and hypothesis tests
make summaries