This project is an undergraduate thesis replicating Maloney & Dal Martello (2006) and DeBruine et al (2009) with a new image set of 50 related child sibling pairs and 50 unrelated age- and sex-matched pairs.
### References
1. Maloney, L.T., Dal Martello, M.F. (2006). Kin recognition and the perceived facial similarity of children. Journal of Vision, 6(10), 1047–1056. doi:10.1167/6.10.4.
2. DeBruine, L.M., Smith, F.G., Jones, B.C., Roberts, S.C., Petrie, M., Spector, T.D. (2009). Kin recognition signals in adult faces. Vision Research, 49, 38-43. doi:10.1016/j.visres.2008.09.025