# Aims
[Reproducible Research Oxford][1] is the local network of UKRN, the [UK Reproducibility Network][2], at the University of Oxford.
We are working to foster a culture of open research and reproducibility at Oxford. We do this by coordinating related activities and organizing events throughout the year, with input from all Divisions in the University.
# Get involved!
Are you passionate about open research and reproducibility? There are several ways to get involved!
For announcements about ongoing initiatives and future events, check our [website][3], subscribe to our [mailing list][4], and follow us on [Twitter][5]. You can also email us at ReproducibleResearchOxford@gmail.com to get in touch.
[1]: https://rroxford.github.io/
[2]: http://www.ukrn.org
[3]: https://rroxford.github.io/
[4]: https://web.maillist.ox.ac.uk/ox/info/rroxford
[5]: https://twitter.com/RR_Oxford