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UK Network of Open Research Working Groups (UK-ORWG) /
Reproducible Research Oxford
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Category: Project
Description: The local network of UKRN at the University of Oxford.
Reproducible Research Oxford is the local network of UKRN, the UK Reproducibility Network, at the University of Oxford.
We are working to foster a culture of open research and reproducibility at Oxford. We do this by coordinating related activities and organizing events throughout the year, with input from all Divisions in the University.
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RROx Launch
Video recordings and slides from all speakers of our RROx Launch 13th Jan 2020
Webinar Dr Logan - Peer Community in Registered Reports
Video recording of the webinar: 'How Peer Community in Registered Reports lets researchers take back control over the publishing process'
Community call: executable manuscripts
Demonstrations of workflows to create reproducible manuscripts
Community call: reproducible environment
Demonstrations on how to create reproducible computational environment
Open Humanities Seminar Series
The Open Humanities seminar series is a monthly event featuring scholars and industry-based researchers who have been contributing extensively to the ...
Recent Activity
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