alldata.sav includes the raw data with errors coded. They are excluded in the syntax file.
Column 1 is the subject number
Column 2 identifies the task (colour or object naming)
Column 3 is a number for each item.
Column 4 is reaction time. negative numbers are errors
Column 5 marks errors. 0=good trials. 1=error trials.
Column 6 indicates which block a trial occurred in.
Column 7 is the experimental conditions (congruent vs. incongruent).
Column 8 is the object in the trial. This column is used for the by-items analyses.
Column 9 is the colour of the picture.
Janssen et al 2008 syntax.sps is the syntax file that will convert the raw data into the aggregated file to analyze. Syntax in annotated.
Janssen et al 2008 results.spv is the SPSS output file.
F1RT_readyforanalysis is the data file with by-subject condition means.
F2RT_readyforanalysis is the data file with by-item condition means.