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This repo contains the data used in "Pandemic Distress Associated with Segregation and Social Stressors" published in Frontiers in Public Health. ## Data #### Unique study identifier * study_code #### Socio-demographics * **age** * **race**: What race do you consider yourself? Please check all that apply. 1 = American Indian/Alaska Native; 2= Asian; 3= Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander; 4= Black or African-American; 5=White; 6=Other (write-in); 7=Prefer not to say * **gender**: What is your gender identity? 1= Male; 2= Female; 3= Prefer not to say; 4 = Self describe (write-in) * **ethnicity**: Are you Hispanic or Latino/a? 1= Yes; 0 = No * **education**: What is the highest level of schooling you have completed or the highest degree you have received? 1=Less than a high school diploma; 2=High school degree or diploma; 3=Technical/Vocational school; 4=Some college - college, university, or community college - but no degree; 5=Two year associate's degree from a college, university, or community college; 6=Four year bachelor's degree from a college or university; 7=Postgraduate or professional degree, including masters, doctorate, medical or law degree * **household_income**: What is your individual or combined household income? 1=Less than 10,000; 2=10,000-19,999; 3=20,000-29,999; 4=30,000-39,999; 5=40,000-49,999; ... 10=90,000-99,999; 11=100,000-149,999; 12=150,000 or more #### Exposures * **SegregationIndexblackwhite_chr20** * **social_status** * **social_support** * **CRBS_Score** #### Outcome * **pandemic_stress_index_extent_impact** ## Citation: If you use this data in your research, please cite the following paper: ``` Turpin, R., Giorgi, S., & Curtis, B. (2023). Pandemic Distress Associated with Segregation and Social Stressors. Frontiers in public health, in press. ```
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