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This OSF page contains: 1. The preregistration for the study presented in the paper: EEG alpha and theta signatures of socially and non-socially cued working memory in virtual reality 2. The experiment files for the VR version of the study, including the stimuli presented in experiment 1 3. The behavioural data and experiment file with stimuli fopr experiment 2 Data for Experiment 1 of the study is accessible in BIDS format through OpenNEURO: This work is published in SCAN: (open access) and the data is described in a data in brief article: Task Experiment 1: Wearing a head mounted display to display the task in virtual reality participants completed a visual working memory task In the task they had to remember the status of and details about presented objects. A person or a stick cued the items such that it could look left or right and items could appear on the left or right. Sometimes the cue was valid (i.e. pointed where objects appeared) and sometimes it was invalid (pointed away from where objects appeared) The objects were always a bowl, a cup, a plate and a teapot. Each could have a different status that needed to be remembered praticipants were probed on memory for item location and then item status Task Experiment 2: Presented online using pavlovia to run psychopy and recruiting through prolific In the task participants had to remember the identity of presented objects A person or a stick cued the items such that it could look left or right and items could appear on the left or right. Sometimes the cue was valid (i.e. pointed where objects appeared) and sometimes it was invalid (pointed away from where objects appeared)
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