These files run the experimental task, adapted from MacLean _et al._ (2009).
1. Open `CPT_Stable.exp` with [Presentation]( (Neurobehavioral systems, Inc.).
2. Run `scenario_tutorial_stable.sce` to start the tutorial session.
3. Run `scenario_cpt_stable_practice_PEST.sce` to practice the PEST procedure version of the task.
4. Run `scenario_cpt_stable_PEST.sce` to perform the actual PEST procedure and estimate the target (short line) threshold length. When the procedure finishes, the threshold estimate is in a new text file ending in `cpt-stable-PEST.txt`
5. Run `scenario_cpt_stable_practice.sce` to practice the main task. Input the threshold length from step 4 when prompted.
6. Run `scenario_cpt_stable.sce` to start the main task. Input the threshold length from step 4 when prompted.
The other `.pcl` files are called from within the `.sce` scripts. Finally, there are two sound files for presenting auditory feedback after correct (hits; `stimuli/DINGO.WAV`) or incorrect (misses, false alarms; `stimuli/WOOSH.WAV`) responses during the practice tasks.
MacLean, K. A., Aichele, S. R., Bridwell, D. A., Mangun, G. R., Wojciulik, E., & Saron, C. D. (2009). Interactions between endogenous and exogenous attention during vigilance. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 71(5), 1042–1058. <>