# Overview
This repository contains the data (approximately 87,500 responses) for
Peters, B., Kaiser, J., Rahm, B., & Bledowski, C. (2020). Object-based attention prioritizes working memory contents at a theta rhythm. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. Advance online publication. https://doi.org/10.1037/xge0000994
See the paper for details on the data and the analysis.
# Description
There are two Matlab -mat files
- Peters-JEP2020-Experiment1.mat
- Peters-JEP2020-Experiment2.mat
which contain the data for Experiment 1 and Experiment 2 (Supplementary Material) respectively.
Each file contains a Matlab struct named **data**.
- **.trialData** holds the single trial data
- **.RT** : reaction time [ms]
- **.correctReponse** : correct response [bool]
- **.includedResponse** : included response [bool]. excluded responses are no responses, multiple responses, or outliers (i.e., RT > 1500 or RT < 150)
- **.participantID**: participant ID [1,...,N]
- **.condition** : condition of the probe (1 = valid, 2 = same-object, 3 = different-object)
- **.SOA** : stimulus onset asynchrony between the attentional cue and the probe (in milliseconds)
- **.averageData** : holds the temporally smoothed averages
- **.RT** : average reaction time of correct and valid responses
- **.percentCorrect** : percent correct responses of valid responses
- **.dim1 - .dim3** : values of the three dimensions of the arrays **RT** and **percentCorrect**
- **.percentCorrectPerParticipant** : average percent correct per person
- **.participantsIncluded** : participants included in the final analysis (i.e., percentCorrectPerParticipant > 60%)