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  1. François Brissette
  2. Jonathan Davidson-Chaput
  3. Ali Ameli
  4. Annie Poulin

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Category: Data

Description: The Hydrometeorological Sandbox - École de technologie supérieure (HYSETS) is a rich, general and large-scale database for hydrological modelling covering 14425 watersheds in North America. The database includes data covering the period 1950-2023 depending on the type and source of data: - Watershed properties including boundaries, area, elevation slope, land use, soil properties and other physiographic information; - Hydrometric gauging station discharge time-series; - Maximum and minimum daily air temperatures and precipitation from weather gauges, NRCan and Livneh gridded interpolated products, SCDNA infilled-station data and ERA5 / ERA5-Land reanalyses; - ERA5 and ERA5-Land reanalysis also contain dewpoint temperature, 10m U- and V- components of wind, evaporation, runoff, snow water equivalent, snow evaporation, snowfall, snowmelt, surface net solar radiation, surface net thermal radiation, surface pressure, surface runoff, surface solar radiation downwards, surface thermal radiation downwards and total cloud cover (only in ERA5 as itdoes not exist in ERA5-Land) - SNODAS and ERA5-Land snow water equivalent; - Other diagnostic variables; - Monthly aggregation of meteorological variables; - Elevation band data for each catchment in 100m increments. All data has been processed and averaged at the watershed scale, and provides a solid basis for hydrological modelling, climate change impact studies, model calibration assessment, regionalization method evaluation and essentially any study requiring access to large amounts of spatiotemporally varied hydrometeorological data. Paper citation: Arsenault, R., Brissette, F., Martel, J. L., Troin, M., Lévesque, G., Davidson-Chaput, J., ... & Poulin, A. (2020). A comprehensive, multisource database for hydrometeorological modeling of 14,425 North American watersheds. Scientific Data, 7(1), 1-12.

License: CC-By Attribution 4.0 International


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