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Psychometric Properties of Outcome Measures Used to Determine Effects of Spinal Mobilizations and Manipulation in a Pediatric Population: A Systematic Review
- Jan Pool
- Anita Gross
- Tricia Hayton
- Annalie Basson
- Ken Olson
- Nikki Milne
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Category: Project
Description: This review will aim to summarise and critically appraise the psychometric properties of the objective measurements used to evaluate the effectiveness of spinal manipulation and mobilisations in children as determined in the scoping review “Spinal manipulation and mobilisations in the treatment of infants, children and adolescents: a scoping review protocol” (Milne et al, 2020). This project has been planned as a joint project between IFOMPT (International Federation of Orthopedic Manipulative Physical Therapists) and IOPTP (International Organisation of Physical Therapists in Paediatrics). It will explore the findings from empirical research and reviews as part of the review.