**Final project presentations**
- **Mar 30, 2022, 10-12 pm**
- **Slides are linked in Agenda or stored below**
- **Videos are on [Youtube at the Bildungsserver Channel][1]**
- 10:00-10:10 Welcome and introduction to EduArc
- 10:10-10:30 EduArc prototyp demo. | ZBW Kiel
- 10:30-10:50 [Functions and data: What OER infrastructures do and/or should offer.][2] | DIPF Frankfurt
- 10:50-11:00 Coffee break
- 11:20-11:40 The use OER in education: what do we know and what should we do! | Learning Lab Essen
- 11:20-11:40 The many facets of the quality of open educational resources. | Uni Oldenburg
- 11:40-12:00 Break-out groups: Q&A plus networking
- 12:00-12:10 Thanks and goodbye
[Link to Pre-report on WP1/WP3/WP7][3]
[1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6GaYgRv9tqo&list=PLuRn5pi-rqDxzWATznrvf6oWmF79HYKfT
[2]: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11gbYwxwrDwtCThvl1nl-dbjTq-scz3xbWOxvGX7RQEo/edit?usp=sharing
[3]: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Kf_w3lgyaN8Nb6UpFqViCRs8DwkNIpF5x3ld-ZBzDFY/edit?usp=sharing