This is the wiki for A Behavioral Signature for Quantifying the Social Value of One’s Interpersonal Relationships. The citation for the paper is below.
Guassi Moreira, J.F. & Parkinson, C. (In Press). A Behavioral Signature for Quantifying the Social Value of One’s Interpersonal Relationships. *Communications Psychology*.
A guide to the data, code, and materials...
brms model output saved as .rds files.
+ 'md_mod' models - max diff models (unmarked: SONA; 2: MTurk)
+ 'dd_mon' models - hierarchical Bayesian logistic regression models fit to the multi-trial social decision data. Mon denotes data with monetary outcomes
+ 'dd_soc' models - Same model as described above, just fit to data with social outcomes instead of monetary. For both types of models, the population tag (sona, prolific, mturk) that comes *first* indicates the weights that were used; the tag that comes *second* indicates the population the sample was drawn from.
study data
+ activity sourcing - Raw activities sourced by the two populations (SONA: UCLA psych undergrads) are kept in the 'source_activities' files. The 'activity_cleaning' sheets track how individual activities were sorted into slightly higher-order/abstract categories
+ clean_multi_trial_soc_dec - Multi-trial social decision data from the confirmatory phase. Saved as .rds
+ likelihood_ratings - Likelihood ratings from the exploratory and confirmatory phase. These .csv files also contain the relationshp quality data, demographics, one-shot social decision items, social loss aversion item, and other measures (e.g., time spent questions for exploratory; social affiliative questions for confirmatory). Files with 0-4 in the lab are from the exploratory phase, otherwise they are confirmatory (5). XXX-activities indicates where the activities for that given sample were sourced. The second population tag indicates the sample the population was drawn from.
+ max_diff - raw maximum difference scaling survey data. These data were used to derive the activity weights for the social value signature.
+ raw_multi_trial_soc_dec - Raw multi-trial social decision data. Each participant's data is saved as a .csv file. 'Mon' denotes monetary outcomes at stake for that run; 'Soc' denotes social outcomes.
+ social_value_signatures - the two social value signatures derived in this work. 'Activity' IDs/labels correspond to column labels in likelihood rating data. 'weights_raw' is the raw coefficient from the hierarchical bayesian model of the max diff data. 'weights_sub_var' is essentially the random effect of subject for the coefficients (not quite right to say random effect in Bayesian context, but it's the closest analog I can think of right now). 'weights' is the raw coefficient scaled by the "random subject variance" to attempt to account for individual differences. 'type' refers to a clustering analysis I tried to quickly run but ended up abandoning for a variety of reasons.
PsychoPy files for the multi-trial social decision making tasks (run off Pavlovia)
I thought it would be helpful to take some of the results that are tabled in the manuscript's supplement and share them in .csv for anyone who might be interested. I didn't quite finish as I ended up questioning the value of the time spent on this endeavor, but I can put the rest up upon request. I decided it would be worthwhile to leave what I had already shared here.
Various scripts used to analyze the data...
+ The stan code snippets for Bayesian robust correlation and paired samples t-tests used in the manuscript. These were pre-registered
+ maxDiff_hierarchBayes.R is the code used to run the hierarchical Bayesian model on the MaxDiff data. This is the model that estimates the activity weights that comprise the signature
+ social_value_confirm.R and social_value_exploratory.R are the main analyses reported in the confirmatory and exploratory results section of the manuscript, respectively. The functions that wrangle data and actually run the analyses can be accessed in the 'helpferFuncs' folder
+ multi_trial_soc_dec_figs.R creates the figures for results from the multi-trial social decision-making data
+ The following scripts were used as the part of the many post-hoc validation analyses reported after the confirmatory phase (as you could tell, these were all in response to reviewer comments): max_diff_inter_rater_reliability, measurement_invariance, social_value_competing_pred_[confirm/explore], social_value_discriminant_[confirm/explore], social_value_psychometrics, social_value_remove_high_var_items, social_value_unit_weighted_likelihood_[confirm/explore]
Pre-registration document for the confirmatory phase. The exploratory phase was not pre-registered.
I uploaded two .qsf files--one from each phase of the study--to give an example of how the surveys were programmed into qualtrics. Any other survey is available upon request.