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This section contains the data (.csv format) and analysis code for studies 1 and 2 (**KerseyCarrazzaEtAl_Analyses_20221107.Rmd**) and Supplement 2 (**KerseyCarrazzaEtAl_SuppAnalyses_20221023.Rmd**). PDFs showing the output of the .rmd files are also included so that the code and results are accessible even without R or RStudio. One PDF is included in the manuscript as Supplement 1 (**KerseyCarrazzaEtAl_Supplement1_Analyses_20221107.pdf**) and the other shows the analyses described in Supplement 2 (**KerseyCarrazzaEtAl_SupplAnalyses_forSupplement2.pdf**). The main .csv file (**KerseyCarrazzaEtAl_Data_20221022.csv**) is structured such that each row corresponds to one problem on a post-test. Each child is represented by 12-18 rows of data. The data contain the following columns: - **Study:** indicates whether data is from Study 1 or Study 2 - **SubID:** unique participant number across studies 1 and 2 - **Condition:** indicates training condition. Study 1 participants were trained either using action or gesture and Study 2 participants were trained with both action and gesture. AG indicates action training followed by gesture training. GA indicates gesture training followed by action training. - **SubGroup:** indicates sub group that participant was assigned to based on their spontaneous gesture and speech during the pre-test phase. See manuscript for more details. 'NA' indicates that the participant's video not available for coding so a sub group could not be assigned. - **PostTestTime:** indicates the time of the post-test, either immediately after training, 24 hrs after training, or 4 weeks after training. - **PostTestTime_Scaled:** a numeric version of PostTestTime used for regression analyses. Data are scaled such that immediately after training = -1, 24 hrs after training = 0, and 4 weeks after training = 1. - **ProblemType:** indicates which type of problem is represented by that row of data, Form A, Form B, or Form C (see manuscript for details). - **Correct:** indicates whether the child correctly answered the problem represented by that row of data (0 = incorrect, 1 = correct) - **IncorGrpAns:** indicates whether the answer provided from the problem could have been obtained by incorrectly adding the first two addends in the problem (0 = correct or other incorrect answer, 1 = correct). This value can only be 1 if the problem type is Form B or Form C because adding the first two addends for Form A problems gives the correct answer. An additional .csv file (**KerseyCarrazzaEtAl_StrategyData_20221028.csv**) contains data about the number of unique strategies conveyed by children in their gesture and speech during the pre-test. This file is structured such that each row correspond to one child. The data contain the following columns: - **Study:** indicates whether data is from Study 1 or Study 2 - **SubID:** unique participant number across studies 1 and 2 - **Condition:** indicates training condition. Study 1 participants were trained either using action or gesture and Study 2 participants were trained with both action and gesture. AG indicates action training followed by gesture training. GA indicates gesture training followed by action training. - **SubGroup:** indicates sub group that participant was assigned to based on their spontaneous gesture and speech during the pre-test phase. See manuscript for more details. 'NA' indicates that the participant's video not available for coding so a sub group could not be assigned. - **Speech.Strat:** the number of unique strategies conveyed by the children in speech across the pre-test - **Gest.Strat:** the number of unique strategies conveyed by the children in gesture across the pre-test - **Total.Strat:** the total number of unique strategies conveyed by the children in speech and gesture across the pre-test. Note that this number is not a direct addition of the Speech.Strat and Gest.Strat values because the same strategy may have been conveyed in both modalities - **Correct.Strat:** the total number of strategies described that would correctly solve the pre-test problems
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