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ManyBabies 1: Infant-Directed Speech Preference

This is the project page for the first study of the ManyBabies collaborative research project (MB1). It contains materials, details on the procedure, and instructions for participation / replication.

The main project was completed in 2019. The Stage 2 Registered Report of ManyBabies 1 has been accepted for publication at Advances in Methods and Prac…


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ManyBabies 1: START HERE

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ManyBabies 1: Project Admin

Material for organizing MB1 as a whole

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ManyBabies 1: Stimuli Creation and Norming

Repository for materials related to stimulus creation for ManyBabies 1 project (Infant-directed speech preference)

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ManyBabies 1: Data (working)

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ManyBabies 1: Manuscripts

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Quantifying sources of variability in infancy research using the infant-directed speech preference

The field of psychology has become increasingly concerned with issues related to methodology and replicability. Infancy researchers face specific chal...

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ManyBabies 1 CDI Follow-up

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ManyBabies 1: Secondary Analysis of 'Lab Factors' and Fuss-Out Rates

The ManyBabies 1 project, a large-scale collaboration of developmental psychology labs to replicate a classic finding – infants' preference for infant...

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Finalized audio and visual stimuli used in MB1 study.

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ManyBabies 1: Data Archive

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ManyBabies 1: Materials

Audio and Visual Stimuli, Software Templates

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