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# The Apple Does Not Fall Far Authors: Johanna Kneidinger, José C. García Alanis, Ricarda Steinmayr, Silvia Schneider, and Hanna Christiansen ## 1. Data The data is contained in the `data/` subfolder under the files tab. You can also access it on the [landing page of the project on the OSF]( ### Data Overview The data is stored in the file `data_anonymized.rds`. For the analysis, data was collected at two different timepoints, referred to as timepoint one and timepoint two. In the dataset: - For timepoint one, variables have a ".1" suffix at the end of the variable name. - For timepoint two, variables have a ".2" suffix at the end of the variable name. #### Variable Descriptions **Gender** - Timepoint 1: `SD01.1` - Timepoint 2: `SD01.2` **Age of Parent** - Timepoint 1: `SD02_01.1` - Timepoint 2: `SD02_01.2` **Note**: `SD02_01.1` and `SD02_01.2` have been removed from the anonymized dataset to ensure anonymity. **Age of Child** - Timepoint 1: `SD14_01.1` - Timepoint 2: `SD14_01.2` **Note**: `SD14_01.1` and `SD14_01.2` have been removed from the anonymized dataset to ensure anonymity. **ID** - Timepoint 1: `IC05_01.1` - Timepoint 2: `IC05_01.2` **Parents Rate Children's Executive Functioning (EF)** - Timepoint 1: - **Working Memory Items**: `MD04_01.1`, `MD04_02.1`, `MD04_04.1`, `MD04_07.1` - **Inhibition Items**: `MD04_03.1`, `MD04_05.1`, `MD04_06.1`, `MD04_08.1` - Timepoint 2: - **Working Memory Items**: `MD04_01.2`, `MD04_02.2`, `MD04_04.2`, `MD04_07.2` - **Inhibition Items**: `MD04_03.2`, `MD04_05.2`, `MD04_06.2`, `MD04_08.2` **Parents Rate Their Own Executive Functioning (EF)** - Timepoint 1: - **Working Memory Items**: `PB02_01.1`, `PB02_02.1`, `PB02_04.1`, `PB02_07.1` - **Inhibition Items**: `PB02_03.1`, `PB02_05.1`, `PB02_06.1`, `PB02_08.1` - Timepoint 2: - **Working Memory Items**: `PB02_01.2`, `PB02_02.2`, `PB02_04.2`, `PB02_07.2` - **Inhibition Items**: `PB02_03.2`, `PB02_05.2`, `PB02_06.2`, `PB02_08.2` **Parents Rate Children's Delay Aversion (DA)** - Timepoint 1: `MD04_12.1`, `MD04_09.1` - Timepoint 2: `MD04_12.2`, `MD04_09.2` **Parents Rate Their Own Delay Aversion (DA)** - Timepoint 1: `PB02_09.1`, `PB02_12.1` - Timepoint 2: `PB02_09.2`, `PB02_12.2` **Time Spent Homeschooling** - Timepoint 1: `HS01.1` - Timepoint 2: `HS01.2` ### Notes on Anonymization To ensure the anonymity of participants, certain variables related to age (`SD02_01` for parents and `SD14_01` for children) have been removed from the anonymized dataset. These variables, specifically `SD02_01.1`, `SD02_01.2`, `SD14_01.1`, and `SD14_01.2`, are not present in the `data_anonymized.rds` file. ## 2. Supplemental Results The `supplemental-results` subfolder under the files tab contains additional models supporting the information provided in the main manuscript. To download a file, press on the file and then on the three dots right next to the name of the file. There you will find the option to download. The files can be opened with a regular browser (e.g., Google Chrome). **CFA for each measurement timepoint:** - `000_merge_datasets.html`: Contains code to load the datasets of the two measurements and put all the relevant variables in one big data frame. - `001_make_anonymized_dataset.html`: Creates the dataset that is provided with the supplemental materials. This contains all variables needed to reproduce the results reported in the manuscript. - `010_model-children-ef-t1.html`: Contains the results of the CFA of parents' ratings of their children's executive function deficits and all the code needed to reproduce the results. Timepoint 1. - `020_model-children-ef-t2.html`: Contains the results of the CFA of parents' ratings of their children's executive function deficits and all the code needed to reproduce the results. Timepoint 2. - `030_model-parents-ef-t1.html`: Contains the results of the CFA of parents' ratings of their own executive function deficits and all the code needed to reproduce the results. Timepoint 1. - `040_model-parents-ef-t2.html`: Contains the results of the CFA of parents' ratings of their own executive function deficits and all the code needed to reproduce the results. Timepoint 2. **Hierarchical models and CLPM** - `101-model-hierarchical-ef-children-parents.html`: Hierarchical model that combines the two timepoints for executive function, computing latent correlations between parents and children. - `201-model-hierarchical-da-children-parents.html`: Hierarchical model that combines the two timepoints for delay aversion, computing latent correlations between parents and children. - `301-CLPM-ef-children-parents.html`: Cross-lagged panel model for children and parents' executive function. - `302-CLPM-da-children-parents.html`: Cross-lagged panel model for children and parents' delay aversion.
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