Data repository for the paper Existing habitat and demographic models for caribou are poorly suited for impact assessment in the Ring of Fire: A roadmap for improving the usefulness, transparency, and availability of models for conservation
For the code repository please see
To reproduce the results fork the GitHub repository and source the 0_runAll.R script. This will download the data from OSF using `osfr`. To skip the initial data preparation step start from script number 2, which will download the pre-processed data.
**Files included:**
data_description.csv: This spreadsheet contains the source and copyright infomation for all the data provided in the inputNV folder
disturbance_missisa_all.csv: The results of calculating distrubance metrics for each scenario
inputNV: This folder contains raw data files used in the analysis. It is only needed if you want to replicate the data preparation steps.
Missisa: This folder contains the processed data used in the analysis.
RoF_caribouMetrics_supplementaryMaterials.docx: Supplementary material document