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# GEOframe Winter School 2022 # December 20 - December 22, 2021 January 10 - January 14, 2022 ## Scientific Committee Prof. Riccardo Rigon, Ph.D.; Prof. Giuseppe Formetta, Ph.D; Eng. Niccolò Tubini, Ph.D.; Eng. Marialaura Bancheri, Ph.D. ## Organizing Committee Eng. Concetta D’Amato, Eng. Shima Azimi, M. Sc. Martin Morlot, Eng. Daniele Andreis, Eng. Gaia Roati, Eng. Riccardo Busti (the fantastic group of our Ph.D. students) ## Partners Department of Civil, Environmental and Mechanical Engineering, University of Trento Center Agriculture Food Environment, University of Trento Institute for Agricultural and Forest Systems in the Mediterranean, National Research Council, Ercolano NA, Italy ---------- ## Generalities [GEOframe][1] is a system for doing hydrology by computer. By saying that it is a system, we emphasize that it is not a model but an infrastructure that can contain many differentiated modelling solutions (some tens of that) that are built upon model components. This is because GEOframe leverages on the [Object Modelling system-framework (v3)][2] that allows to connect modelling components to solve a specific hydrological issue together and having many alternatives for its mathematical/numerical description. This infrastructure allows adapting the tools to the problems and not vice versa. GEOframe has been applied to hydrological simulations from the point scale to large catchments as the Blue Nile, and among those is being deployed to the Po river (the largest in Italy) with great detail. GEOframe is open source and built with open source tools. ## Contents GEOframe contains tens of components that cover rainfall-runoff, evaporation, transpiration, infiltration, terrain analysis tools, interpolation models, calibrations tools, and so on. The Winter School is about using some of these tools to perform the hydrological budget of catchments. The core rainfall-runoff model is dynamical systems (systems of ordinary differential equations) and the school mainly treats their theory and their use in a contemporary way as summarized in these 7 steps. Besides the lectures and the hands-on sessions, the Summer School is the occasion for discussion and experience exchange among senior scholars and young researchers. ## Partecipation **[Registration][3] deadline January 2, 2022, 12 p.m. (Italian time).** ## Index Please refer to the [GEOframe Winter School 2022 blog page][4]. ## Contacts For further information write to: or to the Secretary of the Class dott. Lorena Galante, ## Other information The GWS2022 talks and labs will be recorded and made publicly available during the School for self-training through this OSF project and the [GEOframe blog][4]. --------- _The GEOframe group_ [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]:
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