For each participant and each block type (`practice`, `flanker`, `Simon`, `combi`), a data file was created. These data are in white-space separated text format.
For the sake of anonymity, demographic data as well as time and day data are not reported.
The column names for each file are listed below:
1. `practice`: "subj", "position", "filenr", "counterbalancing", "age", "gender", "handedness", "experimenter", "weekday", "day", "month", "year", "time", "block", "trial", "stimulus", "color", "xr", "r", "corr", "rt", "re"
2. `flanker`: "subj", "position", "filenr", "counterbalancing", "age", "gender", "handedness", "experimenter", "weekday", "day", "month", "year", "time", "block", "trial", "congruency", "stimuluscolor", "flankercolor", "xr", "r", "corr", "rt", "re"
3. `Simon`: "subj", "position", "filenr", "counterbalancing", "age", "gender", "handedness", "experimenter", "weekday", "day", "month", "year", "time", "block", "trial", "congruency", "stimuluscolor", "simonposition", "xr", "r", "corr", "rt", "re"
4. `combi`: "subj", "position", "filenr", "counterbalancing", "age", "gender", "handedness", "experimenter", "weekday", "day", "month", "year", "time", "block", "trial", "flankercolor", "stimuluscolor", "simonposition", "simon", "flanker", "overallcongruency", "xr", "r", "corr", "rt", "re"