*This component provides the data and SPSS syntax code needed to reproduce the Logistic and Negative Binomial Regressions reported in Tables 2 and 3 and Figures 2 and 3 in the paper*
**Data files**
Sample_1_Regressions_OSF.sav (SPSS data file)
Sample_2_Regressions_OSF_FINAL.sav (SPSS data file)
Merged_Samples_1_and_2_Regressions_OSF.sav (SPSS data file)
Sample_1_Regressions_OSF.csv (CSV data file)
Sample_2_Regressions_OSF_FINAL.csv (CSV data file)
Merged_Samples_1_and_2_Regressions_OSF.csv (CSV data file)
**SPSS Syntax code**
*All Syntax code for the logistic and negative binomial regressions is listed in the same SPSS Syntax file:*
**Variable list**
*This doc file specifies the variables in the data sets listed above:*