This repository includes the dataset and analyses codes to reproduce the main results of the paper "Grimalda G., Belianin A., Hennig-Schmidt H., Requate T., and Ryzhkova M. V. (20229 Sanctions and international interaction improve cooperation to avert climate change. Proc. R. Soc. B.289: 20212174
The file "Master_Data.csv" is the main dataset.
"Analyses codes for" include the analysis codes in a Stata17 do file.
"Analysis codes for reproduction.txt" is a text version of the previous do file.
"Analyses output.pdf" is the output of the log file.
"pungg.csv" is a supplementary dataset to reproduce Fig. S10.
"Figures_S5_S10.R" are codes to reproduce Figures S5 and S10 in the Supplemental Materials.
"Codebook.csv" is the codebook of the variables used in the analyses.