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This component contains: * *./intro_OS/* **2021.12.08_OpenScience_ResearchMethodsCourse_ESSB.pdf** : Google Slides of the presentation including: * a broad definition of open science * its core principles in alignment with the [Netherlands Code of Conduct for Research Integrity (2018)]( * an overview of different areas of open science * an example of open workflow using EUR and external tools * *./intro_OSF/* **2021.12.08_introOSF_ResearchMethodsCourse_ESSB.pdf** : pdf of the LibreOffice presentation briefly introducing the Center for Open Science ([COS]( and the Open Science Framework ([OSF](, followed by a hands-on session on how to create a project on this platform * *./intro_prereg/* **2021.12.08_prereg_ResearchMethodsCourse_ESSB.pdf** : Google Slides of the presentation including: * a general definition of preregistration * the rationale behind its creation (i.e., it contributes to increased reproducibility of published findings) * the distinction between unreviewed and reviewed preregistrations * recommended online platforms, templates, and checklists, and two examples of preregistrations * *./intro_prereg/prereg_templates/* : subfolder with preregistration templates for qualitative and quantitative research, originally downloaded from [this link]( * *./papers/* : papers to read in preparation to the lecture and workshop
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