We emailed 5386 researchers who had recently published in one of 20 leading ecological or evolutionary biology journals with a link to our survey about 10 QRPs. Our response rate was ~15% with each QRP receiving 579-652 responses.
For each QRP, we asked: how frequently (if ever) respondents used it, how frequently they believe other researchers use it, and how acceptable they find it.
Survey questions largely based on Johns et al (2012) Psychological Science 23, 524-532. John's survey of US psychologists was directly replicated in an Italian psychology sample by Agnoli et al (2017) PLOS https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0172792
This page contains:
- A link to the preregistration for this project (available through the Registrations tab)
- A link to the preprint of this article (available through the home page and via this link https://osf.io/sd5u7/)
- A public component including code used to process to raw data, the processed quantitative data and code required to produce the graphs in this article as well as reordered qualitative comments
- A private component which includes the raw data. This must remain private due to ethical constraints - it may be possible to identify participants from the data
- A public component including the poster we presented at the Ecological Society of America conference in 2017