- The published paper is available [here](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S1364661319302220?via%3Dihub).
- A more recent version of the model is reported in this paper: https://osf.io/b56qv/.
- The source code of a simplified R-based implementation of LV05 is available from: https://github.com/felixengelmann/inter-act/,
- An online web application is available from https://engelmann.shinyapps.io/inter-act/ and allows the user to compute quantitative predictions of the model under different parametric settings. This simplified model only computes estimates for the two broad classes of experiment designs.
- The full model is available here: https://github.com/felixengelmann/act-r-sentence-parser-em.
- Corrected Fig 5 on 26 Dec 2020.