This project contains all materials (preregistrations, code, and data) for the submission **"*This* is for you: social modulations of proximal vs. distal space in collaborative interaction"**.
The folder **Data_and_Code_OSF** contains scripts, raw data, and processed data for both Experiment 1 and Experiment 2 in the respective folders. The RMarkdowns are entirely reproducible, and only rely on relative paths for the files within the parent folder.
For **Experiment 1**, there is a preprocessing script that was used to bind together individual logfiles and filter missing data. The Analysis_Exp1 markdown executes all steps of visualization and analysis.
For **Experiment 2**, preprocessing, visualization and analysis (both planned and exploratory) are all performed within the Analysis_Exp2 RMarkdown.
All details about preregistrations are available under the **Registrations** tab.
In the folder **PowerSimulation**, scripts and additional material related to the power simulations can be found, together with an overview of the preregistration.
Don't hesitate to get in touch ( for any further details or questions.