The Research Unit "Emerging Grammars in Language-Contact Situations: A Comparative View (RUEG) consists of 8 projects investigating a shared overarching research question: **What is the status of noncanonical phenomena in heritage speakers’ two languages from the perspective of emerging grammars?**
(Speaker: Heike Wiese; vice speaker: Artemis Alexiadou; further PIs: Shanley Allen, Natalia Gagarina, Anke Lüdeling, Christoph Schroeder, Luka Szucsich, Rosemarie Tracy, Sabine Zerbian)
Our research is based on a shared set-up, "Language Situations", suitable to elicit comparable, yet naturalistic productions across formal and informal, spoken and written registers.
For information see file "RUEG_Overview"
For elicitations (instructions and training video, supporting documents, video stimulus) see additional files