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**Code and data for the manuscript "Age differences in functional connectivity track dedifferentiated category representations" - Pauley et al., 2024** The scripts begin with GLM analyses on preprocessed, smoothed, and normalized BOLD data (performed in this case with fMRIPrep). Due to data storage limits, the original BOLD data could not be uploaded here, so derivatives are provided to replicate the final analyses. **Software usage** The following software was used for the analyses uploaded here: - cbrewer - spm12 - Matlab R2020a - R 4.2.3 - tidyverse, scales, readxl, Rmisc, gghalves Only the cbrewer scripts are provided here under "Toolboxes". Other toolboxes should be downloaded from the developers. **Hints to the scripts** - Scripts were run in numerical order (01_* - 06_*) for main pattern similarity, connectivity, and statistical analyses, however, due to data storage restrictions, the nifti files could not be uploaded here so the data provided can be used to run only script 06. - Scripts 01-05 were run on a computing cluster with help from 'run_jobs.job'
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