On this OSF page we collect material related to the Post Covid-19 Functional Status project. The PCFS was first proposed in [a letter to the editor published in the ERJ][1], DOI: 10.1183/13993003.01494-2020. [Click here][2] for news on and publication that apply the PCFS. Updates to this site are logged.
Looking to use or adapt the scale?
Go ahead, the scale is free to use (CC-BY). A couple of points to take note off:
- We just performed a full review of the adaptations and use of the PCFS in research and clinical practice. Please take a look at the [summary and lessons learned][3] which provides the main findings for future users. we also encourage you to look at the the [slidekit][4], or the [full report][5] from the study that we [preregistered here][6]. Please note that none of these files are peer-reviewed.
- A member of the PCFS core team wrote a blog post with the title ["Know, be consistent and open about when, who, and how to count when you use the PCFS][7]". It might help you with the decisions you need to make before you use the PCFS.
- We have noticed that some users of the scale only assess the scale in patients who are alive. This is fine for clinical application, but when you want to use the data, it is pivotal that you also count the deceased. If you do not, you build in a selection bias into your data collection. In ordinal analysis, the category "deceased" should be coded as category "5" as the most severe category of the PCFS.
- The translations on this website are provided by researchers and medical professionals working with COVID-19 patients. We are grateful for their work as we can only do so much. If there are issues with a certain translation, we suggest to get in touch in with the contributors who then can decide whether an update is required.
- please let us know if you are going to to use the scale in the clinic or help by increasing the body of evidence on the PCFS. We are especially interested in your answers to these questions:
- Where are you located?
- Are you looking to use the PCFS in a clinical setting, research setting, or both?
- If you decide to implement the scale, in how many COVID-19 patients do you expect to assess the PCFS?
- Are you planning to use the PCFS in interview or in questionnaire form?
- Can you provide a one sentence that describes in how you want to use the PCFS?
Stay in touch. You can contact us via B.Siegerink@lumc.nl (@bobsiegerink) and F.A.Klok@Lumc.nl (@erik_klok_MD)
## Translations ##
We are working on several translations of the PCFS. In the table below, you can find an overview of the translations that are already made available, the details of the translation, and who contributed the translation. Due to the nature of these translation, the core PCFS team cannot vouch for the validity of these translations, but we have do where what we can to work with our colleagues as quickly as possible to provide your with the material you need as soon as possible. You can help by expanding this list.
| Language | | type of translation | | link | contributor(s)|
|:-: |:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|:-:|
|| translation| back-translation| professional translator |
|Arabic| y | n|n|[link][8]|Manar Badawy / Salah A Sawan / Radwa Talaat El-Shorbagy / Nesma Morgan Allam
|Bahasa Indonesia | in progress
|Bengali | in progress
|Catalan | y| y|n|[link][9] | EM Navarro
|Cebuano| y | ?| ? |[link][10]|Rio May E. Llanes
|Chinese | y |n|n|[link][11] | Houwei Du / Shuangfang Fang
|Czech| y | y|n| [link][12]| Jan Tuzil
|Danish| y | y | partly | [link][13] | Therese Lapperre/Henrik Hansen/Linette Marie Kofod/Lars Pedersen
|Dutch | y |n |n | [link][14] | Duliette Boon
|English | orginal format | na| na| [link to manual][15]
|Farsi | y | y| n| | Parham Sadeghipour & Behnood Bikdeli
|Filipino | y | n | n |[link][16] | Dimagiba|
|French | y | y | partly | [link][17] | Patricia Lemarchand / Emmanuel Eschapasse / Naïla Benkalfate / Xavier Blanc|
|German | y | n | n|[link][18] | Robert Kreuzpointner / Spencer Rezek |
|Greek| y | n| n|[link][19]| M Tsekoura, E Vagena , E Billis, K Fousekis, E Tsepis
|Gujarati | y | y | y | [link][20] | Kevin Thakkar, Chhaya Verma, Aditi Parekh
Hebrew| in progress
|Hindi| y| n| y| [link][21] | Dabholkar Twinkle/ Thakur Anuprita/ Dabholkar Yogesh
|Italian | y | n | n | [link][22]| Stefan Barco / Gabriele Corsi
|Japanese | y |y | y | [link][23] | Yutaro Oki / Akira Tamaki / Kiyokazu Sekikwa / Masahiko Kimura / Ryo Kozu
|Kannada | y|y|y|[link][24] | Ravindra Neelakanthappa Munoli
|Lithuanian | y | y| n | [link][25] |Dovile Bartkute
|Malay | y| n|n| [link][26] | Akmal Hafizah Zamli
|Marathi| in progress
|Portuguese (Brazilian) | y | y| y| [manual][27] & [self assessment][28] | Augusto Gomes Teixeira da Cruz/ Carina Araujo de Facio / Clarissa Cardoso dos Santos Couto Paz /Fernando Silva Guimarães / Roberta Fernandes Bomfim / Sílvia Regina Amorim Pires Miranda / Valéria Amorim Pires Di Lorenzo |
Portuguese (Portugal) | in progress
|Romanian| in progress
|Spanish (Chilean) |y | y | y |[link][29] | Rodrigo Torres C / Paulina Benavente G. /Karrien Mansukhani/ Sonia Pooja Mans Mansukhani / Luz Alejandra Lorca P.
|Spanish (Colombian) | y | y | n | [link][30] | Vicente Benavides Córdoba / Jhonatan Betancourt Peña / Juan Carlos Ávila Valencia.
|Spanish (Latin American) |y| y|y|[link][31] |Moreno-Torres Luis Antonio / García-Morales Olga Milena / Ventura-Alfaro Carmelita Elizabeth|
|Spanish (spain) | y| y|n|[link][32] | EM Navarro
|Slovakian | y|n|n| [link][33]| |Maria Drugdova
|Swedish | y |n |y | [link][34]| Monika F Olsén
|Telugu | y|n|n| [link][35]|Tarun Kumar Suvvari, Divya Bala A M R Salibindla, Sri Harsha Boppana
| Thai| in progress
|Turkish| y|n|n|[link][36] | Ebru Çalik Kütükcü
|Ukranian|y| | | [link][37]| Sergei Gerasimov
|Urdu| in progress
note: y = yes| n = no | na = not applicable
[1]: https://erj.ersjournals.com/content/56/1/2001494
[2]: https://osf.io/qgpdv/wiki/PCFS%20news/
[3]: https://osf.io/qgpdv/files/osfstorage/63b6a9bc202f1709aba6b964
[4]: https://osf.io/qgpdv/files/osfstorage/63b6a9c63312f108fa6888ed
[5]: https://osf.io/qgpdv/files/osfstorage/63b6a9c3202f1709a8a6b3cb
[6]: https://osf.io/qgpdv/files/osfstorage/621caf2e19ba8b0819e12df6
[7]: https://bobsiegerink.com/2021/05/09/know-be-consistent-and-open-about-when-who-and-how-to-count-when-you-use-the-pcfs-do-not-forget-the-dead/
[8]: https://osf.io/e7b53/ "link"
[9]: https://osf.io/dqt6k/
[10]: https://osf.io/rsvta/
[11]: https://osf.io/mksng "link"
[12]: https://osf.io/zvndx/
[13]: https://osf.io/ej2vd/%20%22link%27
[14]: https://tinyurl.com/yb3ecrtx
[15]: https://osf.io/mpfvy/
[16]: https://osf.io/5xk4g/
[17]: https://osf.io/uwgz7/
[18]: https://osf.io/rg4ck/
[19]: https://osf.io/8wysm/
[20]: https://osf.io/gzm9p/
[21]: https://osf.io/8zeyt/ "link"
[22]: https://osf.io/f26pe/
[23]: https://osf.io/34tuc/
[24]: https://osf.io/jeurd/
[25]: https://osf.io/buzyp/
[26]: https://osf.io/yb8v7
[27]: https://osf.io/jnaw4/
[28]: https://osf.io/tgwe3/ "self assessment"
[29]: https://osf.io/uhcbj/
[30]: https://osf.io/w6y9k/
[31]: https://osf.io/zarv6/
[32]: https://osf.io/t2n8h/
[33]: https://osf.io/2m5zs/
[34]: https://osf.io/esjzu/
[35]: https://osf.io/tv2f4/
[36]: https://osf.io/wz89p/
[37]: https://osf.io/esjzu/