Readme: Experiment 1 data files
A single aggregate data file is included for each of the 6 patients and 7 controls. They combine the data files from each session for that participant. Aborted trials have been marked by "xxxx" in the response string variable (mystring). In addition, responses were corrected that had keypress errors due to the experimenter. Patients occasionally responded with words that were longer or shorter than the 4-letter target words. As described in the paper, these responses were modified by placing an "x" in the position the error occurred. These aborts, corrections and modifications were all infrequent.
The key variables in the data file are mystring, myword, and conditionindex. The main change between experiments is the meaning of "conditionindex. The content of these and other variables are:
conditionindex: index of condition per trial (1 = solitary left target; 2 = solitary right target; 3 = left target/right distractor; 4 = right target/left distractor)
distractorindex: index of distractor word stimulus used (from word stimulus list)
h: data structure array with fields representing basic settings of experiment
h.LabMonitor: indicates which monitor was used (1 = primary lab; 2 = secondary lab; 3 = HP EliteDisplay E190i; 0 = other)
h.contrast: indicates the luminance of target word
h.contrastAlt: indicates the luminance of distractor word (if applicable)
h.duration: stimulus duration (in seconds)
h.FontSize: in "points"
h.spacingDeg: spacing of words from center (in degrees)
mydistractor: distractor stimulus word per trial
mystring: response string per trial
myword: target stimulus word per trial
targetindex: index of target word stimulus used (from word stimulus list)
trueduration: stimulus display duration with correction for screen refresh rate
Tim Rich and John Palmer
last revised 6/25/2021