Recent increases in public awareness of excessive use of force by police
against unarmed minority suspects spurred a number of social justice
responses, including racial group protests and the BlackLivesMatter
movement. This study examines what social psychological factors predict
support for these protests and social justice movements, and if those
factors vary by race. Participants completed a survey assessing social
attitudes, including social dominance orientation, just world beliefs,
modern racism, and awareness of privilege and oppression, and support for
protest efforts, including the BlackLivesMatter movement and the
AllLivesMatter debate. Results from regression analyses demonstrated that
there are racial group differences in 1) overall support for protests, 2)
on the predictive social psychological factors, and 3) in the relationships
between predicted factors and levels of support. Study suggests that there
are unique racial group factors that predict support for group protest,
which has implications for promoting inclusive social change efforts.