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Hi, Thanks for your interest in our work (B83 "Listen my story": ERP sensitivity to argument structure violations in L2). Please join me on zoom at for further discussion between 12:00-14:00 on Friday March 20, 2020. Short abstract: How do verbs of different argument structures interact with each other in bilinguals during online sentence processing? We hypothesized that native language argument structure knowledge is particularly difficult for L2 speakers to override online. We constructed sentences with verbs of mismatched argument structures in L1 Mandarin and L2 English (*My sister listened the music*). The results supported the hypothesis: While L1 speakers showed a prominent P600 effect to argument structure violations, the L2 showed a null effect, and poorer behavioral sensitivity. Our finding suggests L2 speakers do not have immediate access to additional syntactic details required for native-like verb-argument computation.
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