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Description: The Lab encourages collaboration among communication scholars, media professionals, and neuroscientists to build a richer understanding of shared research questions and methods. In keeping with this multidisciplinary orientation, the lab community fosters unconventional ideas and critical thinking within a collegial environment. As a service to scholarly and public communities, the lab provides consulting, produces research tools and best practices, and organizes events.


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The Media Neuroscience Lab at the University of California Santa Barbara promotes research and teaching at the intersection of communication, technology, and neuroscience.




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Mapping Attention Across Multiple Media Tasks

Paying attention to media requires continuously selecting and processing relevant information while filtering out numerous competing stimuli. Although...

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Network Neuroscience Reveals Distinct Neuromarkers of Flow During Media Use

When referencing this project, please cite its corresponding publication: Huskey, R., Wilcox, S., & Weber, R. (2018). Network Neuroscience Reveal...

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Network Dynamics of Attention During a Naturalistic Behavioral Paradigm

This project investigates the dynamics of attention during continuous, naturalistic interactions in a video game. Specifically, the effect of repeated...

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Media Violence and Interactivity

The effect of exposure to violent video game content on aggression is intensely debated. Meta-analyses have produced widely varying estimates as to th...

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Prevention Neuroscience and Individual Differences

The field of prevention neuroscience is organized around understanding the neural mechanisms that underpin health attitude and behavior change. Numero...

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A Graph-Learning Approach for Detecting Moral Conflicts in Movie Scripts

Moral conflict is central to appealing narratives, but no methodology exists for computationally extracting moral conflict from narratives at scale. I...

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GDELT Interface for Communication Research (iCoRe)

This project introduces the interface for Communication Research (iCoRe) to access, explore, and analyze the Global Database of Events, Language and T...

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The Extended Moral Foundations Dictionary (eMFD): Development and Applications of a Crowd-Sourced Approach to Extracting Moral Intuitions from Text

Moral intuitions are a central motivator in human behavior. Recent work highlights the importance of moral intuitions for understanding a wide range o...

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Dynamic Transactions Between News Frames and Sociopolitical Events: An Integrative, Hidden Markov Model Approach

A central goal of news research is to understand the interplay between news coverage and sociopolitical events. Although a great deal of work has eluc...

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