SNP density log
#SNP-sites v2.3.2
snp-sites -v -o 38.vcf 38_formated.fas
Bedtools v2.26.0
bedtools makewindows -g panax_size.txt -w 800 > windows.bed
bedtools coverage -a windows.bed -b 38.vcf -counts > snp.density.csv
Page AJ, Taylor B, Delaney AJ, Soares J, Seemann T, Keane JA, Harris SR: SNP-sites: rapid efficient extraction of SNPs from multi-FASTA alignments. Microbial Genomics 2016, 2(4).
Quinlan AR: BEDTools: the Swissâarmy tool for genome feature analysis. Current Protocols in Bioinformatics 2014:11.12. 11-11.12. 34.